As a creative individual working at a senior level within a professional broadcast environment for the past 20 years, I have high standards when it comes to my training requirements. Recently the company I have worked for since 2009 has made the strategic decision to adopt Adobe Premiere Pro CC as the principal editing platform in our department. I took Rubén’s Premiere Pro CC three-day course and his personable but professional approach has helped make this transition painless. Rubén’s thorough knowledge of both FCP7 (which is where we were coming from) and Premiere Pro, as well as his well-researched understanding of our requirements, allowed him to readily “translate” many of our unique workflows, keyboard shortcuts, and techniques. His open, friendly, informative approach gave me a sound foundation to begin using Adobe Premiere Pro CC on actual productions. He really made the change easy, to the point where by the end of the course I was ready to edit with Premiere Pro CC. Ruben is an excellent communicator and tutor. Thanks a lot Rubén!
Adam Gill Senior Producer – Promotion | AJE Creative Department
Network Creative Directorate
Global Brand & Communications Division
Aljazeera Media Network